Polyglots Immigrant Service helps families enroll their children in schools.

We provide translation assistance to all staff or Counsellors at schools, specifically to Somali or Arabic speaking students.

We contact newcomer parents and students to assist them with their settlement needs. We also arrange group information sessions and orientations on settlement or any topics of interest for these newcomer immigrants.

Polyglots Immigrant Service helps newcomer immigrants improve their English Language; we help them register at ESL classes. We believe that strong English language and improved learning skills are essential for successful settlement and Integration in to the new communities.

We offer tutorial classes once a week to help out new students. We also accompany newcomer families to parent-teacher interviews if needed, to provide translations and ensure good communication between these parents and their children’s schools.

Polyglots Immigrant Service assists schools on newcomers’ cultural orientation to promote intercultural awareness and understanding. We facilitate positive and effective culturally-sensitive communication between the school staff, the newcomer students and their families.